Kindness #4

Today I helped my brother out by filling in for him in kindergarten lunch monitoring, because he had a rehearsal. I choose that act of kindness, because my brother really needed someone to fill in for him, and I also love monitoring the kindergartners, because there so cute and adorable. It made me feel happy to play with the kindergartners,  because I really missed them, and it also made me feel helpful, because I was doing a  favor for my brother. I think it made my brother feel relived that he had someone to fill in for him while he had a rehearsal, because not many people want to do kindergarten lunch monitoring, because it’s hard work. All in all I had a lot of fun playing with the kindergartners.

Kindness #3

Last Night I helped my dad out with the groceries, by helping him bring them inside. I chose this act of kindness because there was a lot of groceries and it was clear my dad needed help. It made me feel helpful, because he really needed my help, and he always does things to help me, so for once I was doing something to help him. I think it made my dad feel grateful, because he didn’t have to take as many groceries inside now that he had my help. All in all my act of kindness made both me and my dad feel good.

Kindness #2

Today in school I helped Joanna out, by helping her make rings for her ring toss game. I choose this act of kindness, because Joanna couldn’t find her partner and needed help. Also she’s a great friend and I know she’ll always do the same thing for me. It made me feel happy to help Joanna out, because she’s a great friend and always there for me. I think it made Joanna feel grateful, because even though she was saying I shouldn’t help her, I can tell she was thankful. Anyway I had a lot of fun helping Joanna out.

Morris Micklewhite and the Tangerine Dress

“Morris Micklewhite and the Tangerine Dress” is a wonderful book written by Christine Baldacchino and illustrated by Isabelle Mallenfant.  The book is about a boy named Morris Micklewhite, who has a Tangerine dress, and faces the bullying at school wearing the dress. He loves his dress, and despite everyone bullying him about the dress he wears it at school. When he wears the tangerine dress, no one lets him sit with them at school, and no one lets him go on their space ships, and everyone says boys can’t wear dresses. So he pretends to be sick and skips school. But one night he dreams a wonderful dream, and paints about it. The next day he takes the painting to school and makes his own ship. Soon everyone wants to go on the ship with him, they love his adventures, and say the best astronaut knows where all the adventures are. And he finally stands up for himself. I think the theme of this book is to stand up to bullying. And the message of this book is to stand up for your self, and wear what you like, despite what others will think. My own thoughts on this book is that it really illustrates the message and theme of the book, and that all kids should read it.

Kindness #1

Today I went to a doctors appointment, but first my dad had to take my grandmother to her doctor appointment. I helped my grandma out of the car, and walked her to her appointment. I choose this act of kindness, because I always help my grandparents around, knowing it’s harder for them to walk than me. It made me feel happy to help my grandmother out, because she is always so kind to me. I think I made her feel grateful when I helped her. All in all that was my first act of kindness!


“Two” is a wonderful squeal to the book “One,” written and illustrated by Kathrine Otoshi. The book is about 1 and 2 who are best friends and always play together, they even have a chant. Then 3 comes along and asks one if he wants to play, he says that 2 always plays with one and 3 should play with one too. 2  asks if he can play too, but 3 says it’s just odd numbers. Soon 1 and 3 are always playing together and even have their own chant, this makes 2 very blue. All the even numbers try to comfort 2, but it doesn’t work. Soon the even numbers band together, and so do the odd, and everyone is fighting.  2 convinces them to stop fighting and all the numbers dance and play together.

I think the theme of this story is friendship. And the message of this story is that we can all be friends, and we don’t have to exclude others.


“One” is a wonderful children’s’ book written and illustrated by Kathryn Otoshi. The book is about 5 colours; Green, Yellow, Orange, Blue, and Purple that get bullied by Red. Red keeps bulling them till he grows bigger, and bigger, and the rest of the colours feel small. Then 1 comes along, he makes them laugh and have fun. Then Red gets mad and tells them to stop laughing, Blue, Green, Yellow, and Purple obey, but 1 says no. 1 tells the colours that if someone is telling him what to do he just says no. So all the colours stand big and tall and turn into 2, 3, 4, 5, & 6. Red starts feeling smaller and smaller and smaller, so he rolls down the hill. But Blue stops him, and says he can have fun to. So Red turns into 7 and they all have fun together. Sometimes it just takes 1.

I think the theme of the book was standing up. And the moral behind this story is sometimes it just takes 1, person to help others stand up to bullies. I really liked this book and think that everyone should read this book and learn to stand up to bullies.


Ivan: The Remarkable True Story of the Shopping Mall Gorilla

Ivan: The Remarkable True Story of the Shopping Mall Gorilla, is a sad, yet wonderful story, written by Katherine Applegate, and illustrated by G.  Brian Karas. The book is about a gorilla named Ivan, not long after his birth his home is destroyed, and is soon taken away from the forest, and into a new place. He meets another gorilla, Berma. But after a while his friend dies. He grows and grows and grows, until he is too big to handle and is moved in a cage. There he is soon known as “the Shopping Mall Gorilla”. After 27 years, he is finally moved back into the jungle, where scientists watch and take care of him. I think the theme of this book is about the needs of freedom. My thoughts on this book is that nobody should be treated the way Ivan was, and that everyone needs their freedom. The message of the book is that everyone needs their freedom, and needs to be treated with kindness and care, whether an animal, and insect, or a person.

Nerdy Birdy Tweets

“Nerdy Birdy Tweets” is a wonderful children’s book, written by Aaron Reynolds and illustrated by Matt Davies. The book is about 2 best friends, Voucher and Nerdy Birdy, who go through some conflict, because of a game named tweet. Nerdy Birdy joins this game called tweet, and instead of playing with Voucher, he is constantly on tweet bragging about how many friends he has. Eventually Voucher gets bored and flies away, coming back the next day with a surprise for Nerdy Birdy, he joined tweet too. So they tweet for a bit and play what they usually play. But when Nerdy Birdy posts something embarrassing about Voucher, he takes off. Nerdy Birdy doesn’t know what to do, until he remembers he has all those friends on tweet. So he asks for advice, but no one is any help. So he flies all around looking for Voucher, he finally finds him and apologizes and they become best friends again.

I think this is a great children’s book with a great lesson, don’t think your social media friends are actually your friends, so don’t take your real friends for granted. I recommend this book for ages 5-8, or anyone who has recently joined social media.

What Do You Do With An Idea

“What Do You Do With An Idea” is a wonderful children’s book, written by Kobi Yamada, and illustrated by Mae Besom. The book is about a child who has an idea, but he doesn’t know what to do with is idea. He feels good when the idea is around, and soon becomes friends with it. He tells people about his idea, despite the fear that they won’t approve of it. He realizes he was right, no one approved of his idea, everyone told him that it is silly, and that he shouldn’t bother with it. So he almost thinks his idea is silly to, until he realizes that it doesn’t matter what others think, and he suddenly sees the idea everywhere. I think that the message of this book is that if you have an idea you should believe in it, despite what others will tell you, because almost everything around us was made by an idea. My thoughts on this book is, that everyone should peruse in their idea’s, no matter what others input is. I think this is a great book, that anyone with an idea should read.